
In a new city, a new life has begun. A life without any family, with friends left far, far behind. And yet, there seems to be no sense of sadness or grief within me-only a void emotion comes up on digging deep within my own self. Why is it so? Am I an emotionless creature? Or is it that I am too practical to enjoy life? Hyderabad/Secunderabad is a strange city. The phrase oft quoted in a movie of M F Hussain suits it brilliantly, which says that सब लोग चल रहे हैं, दुनिया यहीं खड़ी है Which, roughly translated, would mean that the world is still; its the people who are in constant motion. The city has a strange sense of direection to it. I often feel lost in the endless number of people walkin around me, all with a sense o fpurpose, while I have nothing on my mind except that I need to reach work on time. So many people, so many hues and colours to them; and yet, to me it seems a dimly lit city when one sees it from the prism of the rainbow's colours. Everybody is in monochromes-I ne

The Call of Evil

The violin strains softly into the night Wailing out emotions its player into it has infused The bow rubs across the strings held upright Sometimes slow, sometimes fast the notes effuse As we slowly try to hear out this ghostly night What does he play, we do not know anything But for the fact that the notes that he raises from the else dead strings Hit my conscience to the deepest core Pointing out within myself, chinks in the image I present afore The moon, it seems, hangs over us, frozen as it stands in its place Spellbound as though it is, netted in the fine mesh of the way the notes have been weaved together Mesmerizing us, making each one of us rooted in their allotted place To the very core these delicate threads of notes whip me As pain surfaces in my eyes as tears, and I wipe them away Even as the notes of the violin makes the bad in me shiver violently And I sit transfixed to my chair, the violin trapping me in its way Time stands witness to this encore, failing to seep throug
Sometimes people tend to have a lot of hatred pent up within them for no reason at all. This anger is spewed out in the form of venom that is vitriolic in tone and razor sharp like a Sabre, having enough potential to hurt people who read about themselves on the so-called public forums of expression. To be honest with you, even I tend to get angry with a lot of people. But should we all be spreading the poison in this manner? Myth tells the story of how Lord Shiva drank the poison Halahala to save the entire world from its danger, and yet he remains perhaps the purest of figures that can be imagined in the whole of the Hindu god pantheon. Anger is a poison which can only lead to nothing but death and destruction, and it is always best to drink it up-you'll realize that it tastes bitter to you as well. If you cannot drink the poison and spew it out instead, earn to apologize for it then; if you fell, however proud of what you did, then my friend, you really need some psychological he
फिर उठा परदा फिर वही रात, वही बारिश वही मिटटी की महक और वही चमकती बिजलियों से रोशन आसमान न जाने क्यों लगता है यह मनज़र नया सा हर बार न तारों की चमक, न चाँद की रौशनी फिर भी न जाने क्यों खूबसूरत है ये बारिश का समा न जाने क्यों ये बूँदें किलकारियाँ मारते बच्चों को हसा देती है हर बार न जाने क्यों भीगे हुए कपडों में लहलहाती है वोही महक हर बार लेकर एक नया रंग, एक नया अंदाज़ न जाने क्यों बारिश की इस चादर को हिलाती ये मदमस्त हवा बयान कर जाती है एक नया सुर, एक नयी ज़बान न जाने क्यों रात की वो आगोश बदल जाती है न जाने क्यों टिड्डों की किरकिट बंद और मेंद्कों की टर्र टर्र शुरू हो जाती है न जाने क्यों
बीता हुआ कल तो केवल एक स्वप्न था आने वाला कल तो केवल मिथ्या होगी जो भी है, केवल इस ही क्षण में है इसी में राम का बाण है इसी में कृष्ण की माया इसी में है शक्ति का निवास इसी पर है शिव का साया यही काल है, यही महाकाल है इसी के द्वारा बना हुआ सृष्टि का यह मायाजाल है यही विजय, यही पराजय यही जीवन का संघर्ष है इसी में प्राण, इसी में मृत्यु इसी में बसा जीवन का मूल सत्य है इसी पल में होगी किसी के प्राणों की आहुति स्वाहा इसी पल में कोई हसेगा लगाकर ठहाका बस, सम्पूर्णता है इसी एक क्षण में साकार, निराकार, विकार, सभी कुछ यही है मनुष्य, दानव, ईश्वर, सभी यही है इसीलिए, हे मनुष्य, तेरे जीवन का मूल सत्य है यही सत्य, निष्ठा और बलपूर्वक व्यतीत कर यह क्षण जो हाथों में है तेरे अभी

You want to be successful?

Life can be so complicated; no one can even try to fathom what it stores in its depths. The sands of time keep flowing down the hourglass’ neck, and yet we all try to hang on to each grain of it, as if that grain itself is going to take us into the eternal finality of the moment that was. But is there anything that ever was, or will be? There is only that which is manifest in front of us, that which we refer to us as our present. This is the moment; this holds the key to everything that we comprehend of time in typically human ways-past, present ad the future, or whatever you wish to call it. Let your action be guided by what the soul desires, not by what the possible outcome is going to be. Be yourself; don’t think yourself out, or pretend to be ‘normal’-go natural boss. Even if there could be a predictor that could gives 99.9% accuracy, never listen to it-there will still always exist that 0.1% possibility of the prediction to go wrong. I read tarot, and yet tell all the questioners