Is Study of Spirituality Stupid(contd.)
Let us now take the case of the spiritual sciences. Even these sciences are based on a lot of assumptions, and I fully say so. But these assumptions, one could argue came from a lot of deep thinking and observation. Take the case of the practice of Rajayoga. In this practice, we say that there are two channels in the spine, called the ida and pingala that tend to channelise the energies flowing in the body. Incidentally, the formation of the spinal cord is such that each vertebra is in the shape of an eight kept sideways. Also, the position of the chakras or centres of spiritual energy are incidentally the same as the various endocrinal glands, except for one that is located in the heart, as was propounded by the philosopher and spiritual scientist Patanjali nearly two and a half thousand years ago. So, to dismiss it entirely would also be a mistake. However, the beauty of any science, be it of the physical or the metaphysical, states a common observation, which disciples of both the