
Showing posts from April, 2012

The Path

The soul is a wanderer Why weep for its loneliness? Free yourself from the bonds of life Such that nothing then affects Were you born with something in your hands That you seek to hold on to? Raise yourself past the six limitations And then on your senses you can hold onto Know that this too shall pass Permanency of the world is a myth Delve deep into the depths of the soul And you will find the absolute truth Tread the lands as if walking on water Be in this world but not of it See everything to be equal, but judge nothing Identify what is the crux of this world, the gist

एक नदी थी बेतवा

एक नदी थी बेतवा एक शहर था ओरछा समय ने जिन्हें आँचल में ढांप लिया और ढांप के जिन्हें वो भूल गया हरबोलों चन्देलों की वीरभूमि पतझड़ जंगलों के बीच कहीं गुम गयी राम भूमि जिससे याद है वो इतिहास पर इस भाग्य का फेर देख लेता बस एक आस खजूरों की नगरी खजुराहो जहां कर्णावती नदी धीमे धीमे चलती है  सैलानी यहाँ दीखते अनेकों मंदिरों की वासना मई मूर्तिकारी देखते सभी भूल गए सब चंदेलों को           

Food Security - All that is wrong with our polity.

I was talking to a friend of mine, who has been working in the public health sector to understand a report recently brought out by the Public Health Foundation of India about rising non communicable diseases, especially those brought in by trans fats. She explained patiently (contrary to her nature of blowing the fuse off with dimwits like me) why people are already malnutritioned and stunted due to lack of vitamins and nutrients by the time they are able to earn and how they are interested in getting 'tasty' fatty food with their incomes, which translates into exposure to huge amounts of trans fats. This led me to ask her the question then - why is the food security bill so hamstrung with carbohydrate exposure when people need more of the other essential nutrients? Well, her answer was clear and concise. The food security bill is a monstrosity that is going to be shoved down people's food, which is not going to do anything different from what the aid agencies are already