
The Intellectual Bankruptcy of India - When Will It Stop????

Today the Delhi based newspaper Hindustan Times reported the news that Nobel laureate Har Gobind Khurana, the man who decoded the RNA sequence, died on Wednesday at the age of 86. His story is little known to today's Indians, and perhaps life prior to the Nobel Prize is forgotten in India. I am raking up a dead man's past because I want to point out  certain things that happened in his life that continue to happen even today, and we should stop and think for a moment what we have 'achieved'. Har Gobind Khurana's story was like any successful Indian emigrant's story with the typically filmy twist. Very few people would know the fact that he had applied for the post of lecturer with both the Delhi University and Punjab University, Jalandhar. As every successful emigrant's story goes, his application was rejected just because he did not have any political affiliation. My point is that the reason we today suffer intellectual bankruptcy in India even today has

Inflation and the Manipulation Behind It

It has been some time now that we have had high inflation rates, and this has been pushed to the extent that for the first time in India we have a situation where housing loans now would perhaps pass on to the children of the lenders post their retirement because of ballooning interest rates spiraling out of control. It does not surprise anyone that this situation of super inflation (as I would call it) does not come under control. There are multiple reasons behind it. I shall talk about a couple of them, and hope others pick the signals up as well. Food prices have gone up across the world. Continuous monitoring by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has shown that prices have risen five times since 2007, when food was treated as a commodity and future trading was allowed with the blessing of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and big agricultural giants like Cargill, Dow and Monsanto. This has already created havoc across the world which frighteningly led to food riots in


हर्फ़ ब हर्फ़ किस्सा लिखा था जो तुमने मैं आज उसे मिटाने आया हूँ तसव्वुफ़ के दरीचों में जो बसर किया था तुमने मैं आज उससे अलहदा करने आया हूँ ताउम्र साथ चलने का वादा जो किया था तुमने उसकी रेशमी डोर को आज मैं तोड़ने आया हूँ मेरी बातें मेरे किस्से मेरी यादें जो चुराईं थीं तुमने मैं उसका सर्मायी चुकता करने आया हूँ जो अंदाज़े बयाँ से कायल किया था तुमने वो अलफ़ाज़ तुम्हें आज लौटाने आया हूँ तुम्हारा वजूद मेरे लिए मायने नहीं रखता अब बस इतना ज़हन कराने तेरे शहर आया हूँ  

Sweet Potato Curry

So I was looking for new recipes to cook the other day, since vegetarian food across India has many many variations and ingredients used in making them. One of the recipes pointed out Sweet Potatoes. Now the four of you may start giggling after reading sweet potato. A humble poor man's snack as a main course dish? Yes of course. In fact, follow the way I made it, and you'd like it a lot. There are many options in the way you can cook it. And now, this is a recipe for three. Hope you guys try it out and like it. INGREDIENTS 2 big sweet potatoes  2 big onions four cloves of garlic one-and-half inch piece of ginger 3 green chillies 3 medium tomatoes 3 sticks curry leaves 1 tsp fenugreek ( methi ) seeds 1 tsp coriander ( dhania ) powder 1 tsp turmeric 1/2 tsp red chilli powder (preferably Kashmiri chillies) Salt to taste 2 tbsp oil (mustard/olive/canola) 1 1/2 cup coconut milk 1 cup water PREPARATION The way to use the sweet potatoes is up to you. You may wish


आज  मन दर्पण में जो झाँका तो पाया के मेरी पहचान धुंधली हो चली है वो धुंधली आकृति कहीं प्रतिबिम्ब के कोने में उदास दुखी बैठी है  न जाने क्यों ऐसा है के वो कुछ बोलती ही नहीं है बस टकटकी लगाए द्वार की ओर देखती रहती है  न जाने किसकी प्रतीक्षा है मेरी पहचान को शायद मेरे अस्तित्व की    


चलते चलते जो आवाज़ लगाई मेरे माज़ी, मेरी तन्हाई ने  मुड़कर देखा तोह पाया के मील के पत्थर पर दोनों आराम पसर कर रहे थे  हैरां परेशां सा हुआ मैं, पुछा मैंने "क्यों पीछा कर रहे हो?" तन्हाई हंसकर बोली "मुझसे दामन कैसे छुडाओगे?" "तन्हाई तो सखी थी मेरी, पर अब नहीं" कहा मैंने  "जो साथ न चाहूँ तोह क्यों संग चलती हो?" माज़ी ने मेरे मुस्कुराकर कहा मुझसे "मैं तुम्हारा ही माज़ी हूँ, तन्हाई की रूह हूँ जो मुझसे दामन न छुड़ा सको तो तन्हाई से क्या पीछा छुडाओगे?" "है तू मेरा माज़ी, मगर मेरे दिल में तेरे लिए नहीं है कोई जगह नहीं चाहता काँटों का बिछौना  नहीं चाहता आँसूं भरी रात" बस इतना कहा और मैं चलता बना कुछ दिनों बाद खबर आई थी मेरा माज़ी और मेरी तन्हाई वहीँ खड़े हैं  वहीँ, उस मील के पत्थर पर, इंतज़ार कर रहे हैं यादों के उसी रास्ते पर मेरे लौटने की  

2G - Paryavaran Bhavan Holds the Key

It has taken a while to come out, but the 2G spectrum scam has just cast a wider net. Puzzled as the four of us who read this blog may be about what has Paryavaran Bhavan, the office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) got to do with the 2G spectrum scandal, the truth is far deeper than most of us, including even those fighting cases for getting top ministers investigated (pointed reference Subramanian Swamy) have perhaps imagined. The whole scam actually started with Mr. Andimuthu Raja becoming Minister of Environment in 2004. The period between 2004-2007 should be marked as one of the darkest chapters in the history of environmental governance in India. A lot of companies got clearances in ways that could make Somalia look like it adheres to law and order. Cronyism was at its peak. Clearances, officers, project reports - name any item, and it was bought and sold. Most of the controversial mining that has since been brought to the public notice obtained clearances duri